Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Public Policy The Issue Of The Federal Government

Although there are many problems that arise throughout the United States over time, only a select few will ever make it to the policy-making agenda of the federal government. Many average American citizens will designate these problems to be addressed by the government, yet those elected officials that make policy will rarely respond to these requests. All of this is due to a multitude of factors that will cause an issue to be placed on the agenda that is deserving of review and action. Of the deserving problems that will acquire the attention of policy makers within the federal government, certain specific components will help to push that matter onto the agenda to be prioritized as a necessity to be completed. According the B. Guy†¦show more content†¦A policy maker must ask this question as it is pivotal to whether that issue deserves the consideration and focus of governmental policy-makers. By asking this question, policy-makers will evaluate if this issue should be rec ognized as the greater amount of people being affected by this issue, the greater the probability that it will make it to the agenda of the federal government. In the same aspect, issues are to become a greater appeal to the policy makers if they are to be recognized more easily than others. This could be presented through Peters views that â€Å"the presence of an analogy to other public programs† will affect its likelihood of being placed on the agenda (71). Moreover, as government officials look to create a variation of policy through the impact of the placement of a problem onto the agenda, there is a hesitancy to institute major changes within the scope of operations. This could be best seen through the process of Incrementalism within public policy. 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